Shama Yasharal!
& Gentiles
2 Timothy
Study to show yourself approved unto Alahym, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
So there have been many attempts to keep YAHUAHS name secret, and prevent his people from calling on his name. That includes spreading lies about his Holy name, as well as others proclaiming false names or not coming to the realization that the elite have, and will put false information into books to throw people off. This is a new level of discernment when bringing out the truth, and there for I feel compelled to make the truth plain and defend the name.
In this study I hope to provide you with all the necessary proof that supports YAHUAHS and YAHUSHAS Name, both biblically and archeologically. Id also Like to mention that this is not an attack against any camps or group of people using different names, but my only intention is to rightly divide the truth.
Now lets look at some biblical evidence.
In Bemidbar / Numbers, when the Yasharalites were going to spy out the land of canaan, Masha changed Husha, son of Nuns name to Yahusha because he would represent salvation to the people. This is also a prophetic change in future tense .
Many of the hebrew Yasharalite had names of Omens, Some based on certain periods of there Life while others glorified The Most High. Examples….
Yahudah - Barashyt / Genesis 29:35 And she conceived again, and bore a son: and she said, Now will I praise YAHUAH: therefore she called his name Yahudah; and ceased bearing.
Manashah - Barashyt / Genesis 41:51 And Yoseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For Alahym, said he, has made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house.
Similarly Our Mashyach was also given a Omen .
Mattiyahu / Matthew 1:21
And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call his name YAHUSHA: for he shall save his people from their sins.
The same as Hush son of Nun, Who’s name was changed for he would save his people. Its also Important to mention those who has the same name in the bible were distinguished by there fathers or something that distinguished them examples
Maryim The mother of YAHUSHA, and Maryim of magdalah . Yoseph son of David. Kepah/peter, son Yunah/jonah etc...
Yahshya is not the sons name.
We can find this name in the genealogy of King David.
MattiYahu/ Matthew 1:10 And Hezekiah begat Manasseh; and Manasseh begat Amon; and Amon begat Josiah; יֹאשִׁיָּה =Yashyah/Yashya
Which means
heals or support
strongs #H2977 Yah supports & #G2502 Yah heals
As we see The mashyiachs name would mean He would save his people. Salvation in hebrew is Yasha. The root of that is sha. Also take note that Mashiyach would come bearing his fathers name. So we have two clues, He would come baring his fathers name, and it would mean salvation. When these come together we get YAHU-SHA, which means YAHUAH is/our Salvation. This is how we know this is the sons name; both bare a part of the fathers name (YAHU) just like many of the prophets names. YaramyYahu,YashaYahu,MattyYahu etc…
Ahyah & Yashya do not go into each other and Yashy means heal or support which doest not fit into the Omen the mashyach would represent for his people as spoken before his birth.
Ahyah is not the fathers name.
Many have purposely tried to remove our heavenly fathers name from remembrance, Including purposely planting false titles and information to lead people astray. Well I hope to break all this down, as well as provide Viable evidence That the tetragrammaton is true although they have altered, and hidden the pronunciation to prevent The Most High True name being revealed and called on by His chosen People.
Shamut / Exodos 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM(אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה/ Ahyah Ashar Ahyah)
: and he said, Thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, I AM(Ahyah) has sent me unto you.
So most stop here and say “see this is the name”… But what about the rest of the what Masha is being told?
Shamut / Exodos 3:15
And Alahym said moreover unto Mashah, Thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, YAHUAH/ יְהוָ֞ה/( YHUH) Alahym of your fathers, the Alahym of Abraham, the Alahym of Yitshaq, and the Alahym of Yaqob, has sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
The Most High tells Mashah further to say to the children of Yasharal that YAHUAH is his name, and this is his Memorial unto all generations… So where does the deception come from ? A book titled Illuminati 2 - Deceit and Seduction screen shot.

This is Proverbs 30:4
Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? who has gathered the wind in his fists? who has bound the waters in a garment? who has established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if you can tell?
whats important to note is that the author of the book inserts the name Ahayah, and qoutes from two seperate chapters and verses ,saying Gods name is Ahayah. The second thing you should notice is he conveniently leaves out the chapter and verse which is Exodos 3:15 He only states some of Exodos 3:14. screen shot.

Now the suggestion is that there are many names, and the adversary has many names. In a book of angles and there names They attatch many names to the tetragrammaton further pushing people away from the name and if you dont have discernment you would come to not trust it, just as many have fallen victim too. Not only that but they now falsely say its baal, or the adversary but lets break this down further.

Now what Im showing you is evidence that false titles or in this case baal was applied to the Tetragrammaton.
Most of God's names were pronounced until about the 2nd century BC. Then, as a tradition of non-pronunciation of the names developed, alternatives for the tetragrammaton appeared, such as Adonai, Kurios and Theos.[59] The 4Q120, a Greek fragment of Leviticus (26:2-16) discovered in the Dead Sea scrolls (Qumran) has ιαω ("Iao"), the Greek form of the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHU.[60] The historian John the Lydian (6th century) wrote: "The Roman Varo [116–27 BCE] defining him [that is the Hebrew god] says that he is called Iao in the Chaldean mysteries" (De Mensibus IV 53). Van Cooten mentions that Iao is one of the "specifically Hebrew designations for God" and "the Aramaic papyri from the Yahudim at Elephantine show that 'Iao' is an original Hebrew term".[61][62] (YAH).
Now it should also be noted that there is no W in hebrew as well as other letters, and there were no vowel points until the masorites contributing the masoretic text. This also would dispell the weh name the false jews proclaim today.
w-not in the Roman alphabet, but the Modern English sound it represents is close to the devocalized consonant expressed by Roman -U- or -V-. In Old English, this originally was written -uu-, but by 8c. In 11c., Norman scribes introduced -w-, a ligatured doubling of Roman -u- which had been used on the continent for the Germanic "w" sound, and wyn disappeared c. 1300. -W- is not properly a letter in the modern French alphabet, and it is used there only in borrowed foreign words, such as wagon, weekend, Western, whisky, wombat. Resource: http://www.etymonline.com
The Germanic (W) phoneme was therefore written as 〈VV〉 or 〈uu〉 (〈u〉 and 〈v〉 becoming distinct only by the Early Modern period) by the 7th or 8th century by the earliest writers of Old English and Old High German.[3] Gothic (not Latin-based), by contrast, simply used a letter based on the Greek Υ for the same sound. The digraph 〈VV〉/〈uu〉 was also used in Medieval Latin to represent Germanic names, including Gothic ones like Wamba.
In early greek the letter Upsilon was derived from the Paleo Hebrew letter Y or U/oo and thus has the sound U !
The letter W is a germanic letter used by the imposter jews who speak yiddish.
Yiddish-a High German language with an admixture of vocabulary fromHebrew and the Slavic languages, written in Hebrew letters, and spoken mainly by Jews in eastern and central Europe and by Jewish imigrants from these regions and their descendants. (Khazars)
Now that we got that out the way lets go further into proof of The Most Highs Name.
Names of the prophets
A theophoric name embeds the name of a god, both invoking and displaying the protection of that deity.
Onomastic Studies indicate that teoforic names containing the Tetragrammaton were very popular during the monarchy (8th-7th centuries BCE).[note 4] The popular names with the prefix Yô-/Yehô- diminished, while the suffix Yāhû-/Yāh- increased.
Example... Yashayahu, YarmyYahu, NyamyYah,ObadyYah,Zakaryah ect....
There are some who also say that Abrahym didn’t know The Most Highs name which is also false.
Barashyt / Genesis 12:8
And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto YHUH, and called upon the name of YHUH.
In this verse It states Abarahym called on the name of the name of The Most High. Also Barashyt / Genesis 13:4 .
Shamut / Exodos 6:2-3
And Alahym spoke unto Mashah, and said unto him, I am YHUH:
And I appeared unto Abrahym, unto Yitshaq, and unto Yacub, by the name of Al Shadi, but by my name YHUH was I not known to them?
Depending on which bible you read this is a well known Grammical error in some bible were as there is a question being asked by The Most High, and not a statement .
So we have evidence that YAHUAHS name was known before Mashah Went up to mount Sani The first time .
Hosea 2:16
And it shall be at that day, says YAHUAH, that you shall call me Ishi/אּישׁ(Man/Husband); and shall call me no more Baali בַּעְלִֽי/Baal( Master/Lord).
YarmyYahu/ Jeremiah 23:27
Who think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.( Master/Lord). Adon/Adonai/Baal, of which mean master or lord in hebrew.
The Most High says this because after the destruction of the 2nd temple people began to discontinue speaking our heavenly fathers name and began substituting it for false titles, and evencually other deities.
Finally his name was removed from the bible and replaced with titles like God/Elohim/The Lord / Baal, and so on… This is what his name was forgotten for, not the Tetragrammiton YHUH.

Later false jews used Adonai, and Ha shem until they further mislead everyone with the false name now as weh…The Tertagrammaton with vowel points added.
In the 16th century a German christian scribe translating the bible into latin for a pope transliterated YHVH as jehovah and the name stuck. Today Our heavenly fathers name has for the most part still been hidden and is transliterated as god,or the lord. This has has taken effect on Mashyachs name being incorrectly transliterated as jesus & christ as well .
Jesus Christ comes from two dieties comprised into one.
Iēsoûs which in the greek literally means hail-zeus.
The word christian derives from those who worship the false Egyptian-Greco god serapis. This is what makes the word christian a derogatory term. Those who were devote of serapis were called Bishops of christ!
serapis was also known as Khristós/christos, although christ is translated as anointed or anointed one.
Who are the Masorectics?
The masoretic text only date to the 10 century, nearly 1000 years after Mashyach, and these text differ from the originals .The Masorite were scribes and turah scholars who worked in the middle east between the 7th, and11th century . There were a few ways The masoretic text differ from the old testament.
The masorites admitted that they received a corrupted text to begin with.
The masoretic text is written with a radically different alphabet then the original.
The Masorites added Vowel points which don’t exist in the original.
The masoretic text excludes several books while also having changes to
prophesy and doctrine.
There is no archeological evidence Ive come across that supports Ahayah,Yashya or any other name, however I can provide proof
for YAHUAH & YAHUSHA. These being our Heavanly fathers name, and his sons name as well as lining up with scripture.
The Aleppo Codex (Hebrew: כֶּתֶר אֲרָם צוֹבָא Katar Aram Tzuba or Crown of Aleppo) is a medieval bound manuscript of the Hebrew Bible. The codex was written in the 10th century C.E.,[1] and was endorsed for its accuracy by Maimonides. Together with the Leningrad Codex, it contains the Ben-Asher masoretic tradition, but the Aleppo Codex lacks most of the Torah section and many other parts.
In this example you see YAHUSHA to the left and YAHUAH to the right but with vowel points added.

The preserved manuscripts from Qumran show the inconsistent practice of writing the tetragrammaton, mainly in biblical quotations: in some manuscripts is written in paleo-Hebrew script, square scripts or replaced with four dots or dashes (tetrapuncta). All the evidence below provide time periodes before the vowel pointing system was created and show proof of the fathers name in various styles, from paleo, to early square hebrew text all of which are in tetragrammaton form.
The Great isaiah scroll
The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) is one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran in 1947. It is the largest (734 cm) and best preserved of all the biblical scrolls, and the only one that is almost complete. The 54 columns contain all 66 chapters of the Hebrew version of the biblical Book of Isaiah. Dating from ca. 125 BCE, it is also one of the oldest of the Dead Sea Scrolls, some one thousand years older than the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible known to us before the scrolls' discovery.

The Temple scroll
The Temple Scrolla (11Q19) was almost certainly discovered in 1956 in Cave 11, located about two kilometers north of Khirbet Qumran. The manuscript is written in Hebrew in the square Herodian script of the late Second Temple Period (the first half of the first century CE), on extremely thin animal skin (one-tenth of a millimeter), making it the thinnest parchment scroll ever found in the caves of Qumran. Two other copies of the same composition have also come to light: one in Cave 11 (Temple Scrollb [11Q20]), and another (possibly a fragmentary copy of the last part of the work) in Cave 4 (4QTemple Scrollb [4Q524]). Most scholars believe that all three manuscripts are copies of an original work composed in the Land of Israel in the second half of the second century BCE (after 120 BCE, perhaps during the rule of John Hyrcanus I).

The Commentary on Habakkuk Scroll
The Commentary on Habakkuk (Pesher Habakkuk, 1QpHab), is a relative complete scroll (1.48 m long) and one of the seven original Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in caves of Qumran in 1947. It interprets the first two chapters of the biblical book of the prophet Habakkuk and comprises 13 columns written in Hebrew, in a clear, square Herodian script. However, the tetragrammaton, the four-letter, ineffable name of God, is written in ancient Hebrew characters, unlike the rest of the text. The scroll has been dated to the second half of the first century BCE

The War Scroll
The War Scroll (1QM), popularly known as "The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness," is one of the seven original Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran in 1947. It contains 19 columns (originally there were at least twenty), of which the first 14–19 lines (out of at least 21–22) are preserved. The work is written in Hebrew in a square Herodian script and is dated to the late first century BCE or early first century CE. Seven additional fragments (4Q491-497) with similar contents have also been found, but the relationship between these texts to 1QM is not entirely clear; they may represent an earlier version of the War Scroll, or source materials on which the War Scroll was based.
Against the backdrop of a long biblical tradition concerning a final war at the End of Days (Ezekiel 38–39; Daniel 7–12), this scroll describes a seven stage, dualistic confrontation between the "Sons of Light" (the term used by Community members to refer to themselves), under the leadership of the "Prince of Light" (also called Michael, the Archangel) – and the "Sons of Darkness" (a nickname for the enemies of the Community, Jews and non-Jews alike), aided by a nation called the Kittim (Romans?), headed by Belial. The confrontation would last 49 years, terminating in the victory of the "Sons of Light" and the restoration of the Temple service and sacrifices. The War Scroll describes battle arrays, weaponry, the ages of the participants, and military maneuvers, recalling Hellenistic and Roman military manuals.

Moabite Stone
The Mesha Stele (also known as the "Moabite Stone") is a stele (inscribed stone) set up around 840 BCE by King Mesha of Moab (a kingdom located in modern Jordan). Mesha tells how Chemosh, the god of Moab, had been angry with his people and had allowed them to be subjugated to Israel, but at length Kemosh returned and assisted Mesha to throw off the yoke of Israel and restore the lands of Moab. Mesha describes his many building projects. It is written using the Phoenician alphabet. This stone also mentions the god of the Yasharalites YAHUAH! (YHUH).

Yashayahu / Isaiah 52:6
Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that does speak: behold, it is I.