Shama Yasharal!
& Gentiles
Shua Vs. Sha ?
If I was to give the full name/ title I would put YAHUSHA HA MASHYACH ha=the mashyach= anointed one
The son would come barring his fathers name . When we look at name for example like yashayah or yermeyahu yah/yahu I view this as a acronym or abreviation to represent YAHUAHS name. As many of the Hebrews had meanings in they're names and at times gave honor to YAHUAH. This could be noted in Barashith / Genisis when Yaaqobs sons are named from his wives based on a representation for example.
when Leah gave Zilpha her female servant to Yaaqob and she said I am blessed for the daughters shall call me blessed so she called him Asher.
So now the break down.
In the hebrew language it read right to left, and there are no vowel point, although today the've been added. When we look at the Mashyachs name it would be as fallows. Ill put it from left to right as in english.
Yad-ha-oo-shin-ayin ya=yah-ha=hay-waw/vav=oo-shin=sh-ayin=a ya-hoo-sh-a rendered YAHUSHA there is no shua YAHUSHA = YAHUAH our salvation or YAHUAH is salvation.
If you look up the strongs# 7768 shua/ shava/ shuwa It state to halloo (for help,i.e. freedom from trouble): cried, cry out. By apply this to the fathers name you would then be stating the father crying out for help, as though helpless, you would be profaning his name .Profane= treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect.
Because of this we have to be very careful the way we speak both about YAHUAH our heavenly father and YAHUSHA.
Lets look at shu.
we have to remember the w in hebrew makes a sha sound not a english w sound. Because of this the difference is sha= hebrew while english is =shu . I think this is where people get confused on the pronounceation. That and the vowel pointing system thats been added.
In order to make the name sound as shu , you have to move the oo/ or waw from after the ha/ or hey and put it after the shin, to create the shua sound, but by doing so you've already disfigured YAHUAHS name to make it sound different and thus this cannot be done. YAHUAH= yad-ha-oo-ha / or yod-hey-waw/vav-hey but pronounced YA-H-U-AH four letters four sounds.
Sha was the pre babylonian captivity, and shua was the passive post captivity. you can also use a interlinear bible to see for your self in Zakaryah / zecheriah 6-11-12 Then take silver and gold and make crowns and set on the head of joshua Strongs # 3091. (yad-hay-oo-shin-ayin)= YAHUSHA) the son of josedech(Yahuzadaq) the priest high and speak unto them saying this speaks YAHUAH of host saying Behold the man, THE BRANCH whose name and out of his place he shall grow up and he shall build the temple of YAHUAH.
Another quick point I wanna make since more false names have come forth. He would come baring his fathers name. sharing YAHU part of the fathers name and when you look at Mitahyahu or matthew 1:21 it reads
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Yahusha: for he shall save his people from their sins.
This is a omen, as many of the hebrews name , representing chracter or a event in there life.
Yitshaq of Issac meant laughter as our mother sharah laughed at the concept of bearing a child at old age. Yahudah meant YAHUAH I’ll Praise Because YAHUAH blessed leah with a forth son. Yopesh names his son Manasseh meaning to forget, cause YAHUAH cause him to forget his sorrows and rose him high in the house of Pharaoh. and so on. In this case Mashyachs omen was he shall save In ancient hebrew is Yasha. The root of Yasha is sha
Now when we put all this together Mashyach would come bearing his fathers name, and the omen given in Matthew 1:21 which is He shall save, key word save. we get YAHU part of the fathers name and SHA the root word of Yasha together being rendered as Yahu-sha . YAHUAH our salvation.
So any other name that dosent do this is false.
Another point I wanna make is often times when there is more then one person with the same name in the bible, they are distinguished by a title or there father. examples of this is when
Yahusha refers to his disciple James the son of Zebedee being different from James his brother son of Yoseph. The Virgin mary as aposed to Mary of Magdela a village by the sea of galiliee. Some may even argue about Mashyachs name, that the name belongs to the son of nun. But they lack two things. 1 originally the son of nuns name was just husha, until Mashah or mosses changed his name adding yahu to form the name Yahusha because what he would represent leading his people into the land of Yasharal, This is found in Bemidbar/ or Number 13:16 The other thing they miss is that it was a foreshadowing of Mashyach, this is confirmed in Yohanon or John 5:46 For had you believed Moses, you would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
Similarly in the apocrypha being distinguished by the father ,yahusha son of sari.
So we should understand that when there is more then one of the same name in the bible often times it is distinguished the father or some title in one form or another , not to be confused with Mashyach or other important figures.
Lastly evidence outside of all this as another Proof. We understand hollywood, and who runs these banks and networks which is the white jews right? why is this important? Because they know there is no w in ancient hebrew, and because of the ikud systme or vowel poitning sytem it changes the sounds of hebrew words, and in this case YAHUAH or YAHUSHA'S name.
So let me show you something thats stood out watching futurama, understanding these two topics to have nothing to do with each other, besides the point i'll make.

Screen shoted, we understand the drink on futruama to be spelled S.L.U.R.M. Now look at zogbierges shirt in hebrew . They made slurm spelled synonoumous with the hebrew letting. Rather then spelling it with a w, making it S.L.W.R.M. they used a U sound to maintain slurm which means they know the true sound of the waw or u/oo in hebrew. This is just a little evidence I found that has nothing to do with anything else which is why i'm using it as unbiased proof.
slurm on his shirt would be spelled shlurm....
This is important because it also dispell the false whey name imposter jews now falsely proclaim. There is no V or W in ancent hebrew.
For further evidence lets look at the etymology of certin letters.
w-not in the Roman alphabet, but the Modern English sound it represents is close to the devocalized consonant expressed by Roman -U- or -V-. In Old English, this originally was written -uu-, but by 8c. In 11c., Norman scribes introduced -w-, a ligatured doubling of Roman -u- which had been used on the continent for the Germanic "w" sound, and wyn disappeared c. 1300. -W- is not properly a letter in the modern French alphabet, and it is used there only in borrowed foreign words, such as wagon, weekend, Western, whisky, wombat. Resource: http://www.etymonline.com
V- The latin letter V derives from the Paleo Greek letter Y (Upsilon) dropping the stem .
Y- The Paleo hebrew alphabet was adopted by the Greeks around 12th BC. The hebrew language is written from right to left, while paleo greek was written from left to right also reversing the letters. When we look at the first few letters of the hebrew alphabet; Alap, Bat, Gamal ,Dalat, Hay, U/oo they closely resemble the early greek. The letter Y (Upsilon) In paleo greek makes a U sound !
In early greek the letter Upsilon was derived from the Paleo Hebrew letter Y or U/oo and thus has the sound U !
The letter W is a germanic letter used by the imposter jews who speak yiddish.
Yiddish-a High German language with an admixture of vocabulary fromHebrew and the Slavic languages, written in Hebrew letters, and spoken mainly by Jews in eastern and central Europe and by Jewish imigrants from these regions and their descendants. (Khazars)
The Germanic /w/ phoneme was therefore written as ⟨VV⟩ or ⟨uu⟩ (⟨u⟩ and ⟨v⟩ becoming distinct only by the Early Modern period) by the 7th or 8th century by the earliest writers of Old English and Old High German.[3] Gothic (not Latin-based), by contrast, simply used a letter based on the Greek Υfor the same sound. The digraph ⟨VV⟩/⟨uu⟩ was also used in Medieval Latin to represent Germanic names, including Gothic ones like Wamba.
. Now lets look at the similarities between the paleo greek and paleo hebrew.