Shama Yasharal!
& Gentiles
Resources for bible study
This is a free PDF of the bible restored some what more accurate then standard bibles. In this version you find that YAHUAH name is restored but in paleo hebrew, including original names
and chapters restored.
Just click on the image to take you to the free PDF. Enjoy :)
Download Free Hebrew Font Here -->
1611 King James version
This is a free online 1611 King james version. One of the most accurate english versions of the bible although written in old english style the book its self its helpful to read the online version as it is in plain type.
Also look for King James video in the Video archive.
Click book to read the online .
Bible Topic Finder

These three sites will allow you to research the bible based on a specific title. Just type in a word for example, faith in the search box and it will pull up chapters, and verses pertaining to the particular topic.
Click book to search a topic site1
The audible icon will link you to a site where you can have entire chapter in a audible formate.
Click speaker for audible reads of scriptures.
Click book to search a topic site 2
online sacred text books
Here you'll find online pdf or type files of uncommon books good for studying and furthering your knowldge.
Click book for PDF./ type files you can read online.
Online interlinear
Here online tool for studying and furthering your knowldge.
Click book to read the online interliner.
One of my favorite sites with access to many biblical books, and lost cannons!
Click image to open in a new window.