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Biblical Messurements







Finger ----------0.73 inches1.85 centimetersJeremiah 52.21

Handbreadth ------------(4 fing.)2.92 inches7.4 centimetersExodus 25:25

Span -----------9 inches22.86 centimetersExodus 28:16

Cubit ----------18 inches45.72 centimetersMatthew 6:27

Long ----------Cubit 20.4 inches51.9 centimetersEzekiel 40:5

Fathom ------6 feet1.829 metersActs 27:28

Reed ----------(6 cubits)8.75 feet2.73 metersEzekiel 40:5

Furlong -------1/8 mi., 660 feet201.2 metersRevelation 14:20

Stadion ---------697 feet185.4 metersLuke 24:13

Sabbath day’s journey ---------3/5 mile0.9656 kilometersActs 1:12

Day’s journey -----------20 miles32.19 kilometers1 Kings 19:4




Gerah-------------1/50 ounce0.567 gramsEzekiel 45:12

Bekah ----------(10 gerahs)1/5 ounce5.67 gramsGenesis 24:22

Pim -------------(2/3 shekel)1/3 ounce9.45 grams1 Samuel 13.21

Shekel ---------(2 bekahs)2/5 ounce11.34 gramsExodus 30:23

Mina ------------(50 shekels)1.25 pounds0.567 kg.Ezra 2:69

Talent ------------(60 minas)75 pounds34.02 kg.Ezra 8:26


Liquid Measures


Log ------------0.65 pints0.31 litersLeviticus 14:10

Kab ------------(4 logs)2.6 pints1.2 liters2 Kings 6:25

Hin -------------(12 logs)0.98 gallon3.7 litersNumbers 15:4

Bath ------------(6 hins)5.9 gallons22 litersIsaiah 5:10

Homer ---------(10 baths)59 gallons220 litersEzekiel 45:11

Kor ---------------(10 baths)59 gallons220 litersEzekiel 45:11

Metretes ------------10 gallons37.85 litersJohn 2:6


Dry Measures


Kab ------------(1/18 ephah)2.6 pints1.2 liters2 Kings 6:25

Omer ----------(1/10 ephah)2.3 quarts2.2 litersExodus 16:36

Seah -------------(1/3 ephah)7.7 quarts7.3 liters2 Kings 7:1

Ephah ----------(10 omers)0.63 bushels (5.9 gal.)22 litersRuth 2:17

Lethech --------(5 ephaths)3.16 bushels (29 gal.)110 litersHosea 3:2

Homer ----------(10 ephaths)6.33 bushels (59 gal.)220 litersLeviticus 27:16

Kor ----------(10 ephaths)6.33 bushels (59 gal.)220 litersEzekiel 45:14




DenariusDay’s wage Matthew 20:2

Drachma Est. ----------0.035 oz. silverEst. 1 gram silverLuke 15:8

Didrachma ------------(2 Drach.)Est. 0.07 oz. silverEst. 2 grams silverMatthew 17:24

Talent, silverApprox. ----------100 lbApprox. 45.4 kgEzra 8:26

Talent, silver -------(Alternate)Approx. 50 lbApprox. 22.7 kgEzra 8:26

Talent, goldApprox. ----------120 lbApprox. 54.4 kg1 Kings 9:28

Talent, gold ----------(Alternate)Approx. 60 lbApprox. 27.2 kg1 Kings 9:28


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