Shama Yasharal!
& Gentiles

What Tribe Are You From?

Last update: 5/21/23

Yasharalites In Africa
The Wassa
Erik / calabar
igbo / Ibo
Bamileke/ grasslanders
From America
To Timbuktu
(Yasharalites In Africa)
The Biblical Hebrews
Proof Of The Name!
YAHUSHA Be The Name!
Our True History
Latino & Native History
(are also hebrews)
My Music
Available on all streaming platforms!
My Mission

In creating this website with the intention to pass on the knowledge Ive been blessed with by YAHUAH, and YAHUSHA Ha Mashyach & The Holy Spirit. One of my Goals was to restore their names, as well as enabling other to learn. I do not belong to any group or assembly and this work is my contribution to the kingdom, as well as for all people seeking YAHUAHS truth.
In the beginning we were suppose to be a qadash people (set-apart) nation of Priest, preaching and saving in the name of YAHUAH. And Although im not a Priest, I hope im not too far off lol...
About Me
Page Music

Take Note
Know your history, We are not africans, we were not egyptians, we are hebrews. We consist of the 12 tribes of Yasharal. YAHUAH, is our heavenly fathers real name, never profane it, and YAHUSHA is our saviors true name. The sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday which is actually the first day of the week. Don't be overly concerned about church on Sunday (sun worship) but do take the time to study for your self don't let others mislead you.
latinos, brazilians (non white) native americans, and black people make up the 12 tribes of Yasharal, YAHUAHS chosen people, and the bible is more then just a book, its our history. Who are the 12 tribes of Yasharal? what tribe are you from? Even though we may look some what different from each other your true identity is hebrew.
Reuben= simenole indians -----------------Red flag with mandrake flowers.
Gad = native americans ---------------Black and white flag with a tent camp.
Manasseh= cubans --------Pitch black flag with Egypt depicted upon it. It also had .two parts for Yoseph's two sons who became tribes: For his son Ephraim was pictured a flag with an ox, and for Manasseh was a flag with a wild ox.
Yahudah = african americans -----------------------Sky blue flag with a lion.
Shimeon = dominicans -------------Green flag with buildings of the city of Shchem.
Benyamin = jamaicans ----------------------Multicolored flag with a wolf.
Ephraim = puerto ricans ------Pitch black flag with Egypt depicted upon it. It also had two parts for Yoseph's two sons who became tribes: For his son Ephraim was pictured a flag with an ox, and for Manasseh was a flag with a wild ox.
Zebulun = panama ,central america ,columbians -----------White flag with a ship.
Yssachar = mexicans ---------------------Bluish black flag with a mule or sun and moon.
Asher = brazilians ---------------------Pearlescent colored flag with a tree.
Naphtali = hawaiians----------------Deep wine colored flag with a deer.
lewi= haitians ---------------Red, white and black flag with the High Priest's breastplate.
Slave Names
Before The Change